Shell command-line tools
- basename Extract just the filename from a filepath
- bc A calculator that reads from standard input
- cat Concatenates files together
- cd Change directory
- cp Copy files
- csvfix Parse CSV files
- curl Transfer a URL
- cut Cut out selected portions of lines
- date Print or parse date strings
- echo Print arguments to standard output
- grep Print lines matching a pattern
- head Print only the first few lines of a text stream
- history Show the last executed commands
- hostname Print the name of the computer you're currently on
- iconv Converts between character sets
- jq A command-line JSON parser
- kill Send a signal to a running process
- less Paginate long text streams
- ls List directory contents
- man Show documentation for a command
- mkdir Make a directory
- mv Move or rename files
- nano Interactive text editor
- printf Format and print data
- ps Show a snapshot of current processes
- pup Parse HTML from the command line
- pwd Print the name of your working directory
- read Read a line from standard input
- rm Remove files
- sed Stream editor for complex transformation of text
- seq Print a sequence of numbers
- sleep Suspend execution for a period of time
- sort Sort lines of text
- tail Print only the last lines of a text stream
- touch Create an empty file or update its timestamp
- tr Translate characters in a text stream
- uniq Print only unique lines of text
- unzip Extract files from a zip archive
- wc Print the line, word, and byte counts of a text stream
- wget Easy web crawling
- whoami Print your username
- zip Add files to a compressed archive
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